




Performance Monitoring


Product Lifecycle Management




Added more attributes to KV extensions of TMF 620 adapter

In TMF620 Product Catalog adapter, the following attributes have been added:

  1. Map revenue category from PLM product to KV extension of TMF620 ProductOffering.
  2. Map revenue category, tax category and billing code from PLM pricing rule to KV extension of ProductOfferingPrice.
  3. Map revenue category, tax category and return policy from PLM category to KV extension of ProductSpecification.
  4. Map catalog group field from PLM category attribute to KV extension of ProductSpecificationCharacteristic

Added the option to set a partner code in commercehub adapter configuration

Enhanced commercehub adapter configuration by adding the new “Partner code” option to identify partners.

Added Avro support to Kafka adapter


Added new Security teams feature for restricting access to customer data

Security teams enable the restriction of customer access to security team members. Security teams can also have hierarchies of access applied by creating subgroups within a team.

Added the ability to filter customer subscriptions by location

Users can now filter subscriptions by location from within customer 360.

Fixed an issue with customer and partner registration

Addresses will now be properly validated during the registration process for customers and partners.


Enhanced external wave generation in Inventory to enable exporting files unzipped

When exporting inventory orders to an FTP server, the folder containing the orders can now be exported unzipped.

Added the ability to configure notifications for procurement recommendations

Users can now configure notification rules for procurement recommendations. Users can specify at what status these recommendations should be sent, and who will receive them.


Enhanced orders to enable changing addon quantities

Addons can now have a different quantity than the main product they are added to.

Added the ability to import and export identifiers for orders or subscriptions

Added the ability to add, edit, remove and update resource services for an order product

Users can now manage resource services for an order product. Additionally, resource configuration categories can now be added as a related category to a service in PLM.

Enhanced the order cart page to show identifiers on products

This enhancement allows orders to save identifiers from external systems.


Enhanced Partner management to support reseller partners

Reseller partners are partners with separate sales channels to manage their own orders, subscriptions, customers and billing.

Added the ability to generate settlement invoices for marketplace partners

In Partners, users can now view, pay and/or void settlement invoices. Additionally, users can view the transaction history of all settlements and revert transactions.

Enhanced sidebar display of settlements in partner profiles

Added Settlement invoices for marketplace partners.

Enhanced billing accounts to hide and show values based on account use

The following account uses will show or hide certain attributes:

  • Billing Account: All attributes will be visible
  • Settlement Account: The Invoice Language and Bill to name attributes will be visible, but other attributes will be hidden
  • Financial/Party Account: All attributes will be hidden

Enhanced the Partners Portal to enable adding marketplace products to partner bundles

Added the product view pop-up for common products in the Partners Portal

When clicking on a common product in the Partner Portal, the user will see the “product info” pop-up.

Added Identifiers to Partner and Customer contracts

Enhanced Settlement summary view in Partners

Users can now group summaries by partner when viewing settlement summaries.

Enhanced settlements to enable configuring marketplace shipping fees

In Settlements, users can now configure marketplace shipping fees based on item size and item weight.

Performance Monitoring

Added the ability to show imported orders and subscriptions in Performance Monitoring

Enhanced Monitoring/Imports to show orders or subscriptions created by this import action.

Added script in Service Queue’s results configuration to determine what task type to create

This enhancement allows developers to create different task types based on required conditions.


Added Import action to batch processes

Using batch processes, users can now automate the process of importing files into Kloudville using one of the import API’s.

Enhanced server counter widget to display up to four values

Added action to message logs

In the messages grid and progress panel, the SOAP action field will be visible, when provided.

Added the ability to search for tasks by their context identifier

Users can now search for tasks by entering a context identifier related to that task. For example, if a user is searching for a task related to a product, they can search for it by entering the product code.

Added User Id option in batch configuration

This option allows users to specify which user profiles can execute the batch process.

Added the ability to set a job as a System job in Batch Processing

Setting a job as a System job will prevent users from manually running this job, and forces the job to run according to a set schedule.

Enhanced CSV imports to validate imported data

Users can now implement custom validation/initialization logic for CSV imports.

Added the ability to use common schedules when configuring jobs

Users can now configure multiple jobs to run according to the same common schedule.

Added a Language option in Batch Configuration

When performing an action such as exporting an order, users can now select a different language for all fields, values and labels to appear in.

Added the ability to restrict CSV maps by role

This enhancement will hide options from users that don’t have the proper roles.

Enhanced platform security to sanitize the HTML of FTL templates

Kloudville now uses a standard library to sanitize the HTML of imported FTL templates to prevent script injection.

Fixed issue with multi facet filter fields

Fixed issue in which items under multi facet filters were not properly grouped under their related categories.

Product Lifecycle Management

Added the new “Access Purpose” property to Access maps

The Access Purpose property allows users to specify what context will trigger an access map. Making that access map available for only that context.

Added the option to enable or disable tax calculation for loyalty points purchases

Added new API to enable cancelling PLM projects using scripts

Users can now cancel projects using scripts with the new catalog.plm.rejectProject API. This API will not check for project ownership and can only be called from javascript.

Added the ability to set a minimum amount on tax rules

Added new attributes in price rule creation

Added the ability to specify the Tax category, Revenue category and Billing code when creating a price rule.

Added search keywords to PLM categories and products

Enhanced PLM application to enable creating and applying search keywords to categories, products, services, bundles or resources.

Added a new option to disable shopping from a catalog

“Portal Access” should be unchecked for this option to be enabled.

Fixed issue with configuration copying in PLM products

Fixed a problem in which attribute values were not included in copies of PLM product configurations. Users can now create exact copies without needing to manually enter the same values.


Added new javascript FTP functions

The following FTP functions have been added:

  • putRemoteObjectFile function to save DataObject to FTP as XML or JSON file
  • getRemoteObjectFile function to read FTP file and parse it from XMl or JSON and return DataObject
  • getRemoteResourceFile function read remote file and create KV resource object
  • putRemoteResourceFile function to save KV resource to remote FTP file

Enhanced PLM by improving the order of publishing products to adapter

When publishing a product, the order will be:

  1. Addons
  2. Products with no allowances or tariffs
  3. The remaining products
  4. Bundles


Enhanced Subscriptions to convert the product tags filters into a multi-facet filter

In Subscriptions, groups of product tags will now appear as separate filters. Allowing users to filter subscription search results by product tags belonging to the same group.

Enhanced the Subscription application to copy identifiers from order to subscription